Self-Care & Mindfulness Printable Calendar for August 2021 — Heal Through Your Breakup

If you’ve been wanting to commit more to your self-care but make it more tailored to your breakup—this totally free calendar is for you.

I associate August as a “slower” month and what better way to use this energy than to self care, of course.

Enjoy multiple meditations (oldies but goodies on my youtube channel), simple yet enjoyable daily activities and more self-compassion as we continue through the summer.

I hope this calendar helps you create a bit of structure as you heal through your heartbreak <3

NOTE: The underlined days are clickable, so keep this calendar on your desktop for close proximity + print it for additional accountability!


As a conscious breakup coach, I’m always hearing from clients how they want to create a self-care routine to help put them back in the driver’s seat and have something to look forward to each day.

So I decided to create a unique breakup-specific self-care challenge that goes beyond the basics of “take a bath” and “just meditate” but includes unique breathwork, mini meditations & journaling to help you go deeper.

This is why I created my full 30-Day Self-Care Challenge. To learn more click here.