Get An In-Depth Analysis On Your Relationship Or Breakup From a Breakup Expert

Send Me An Email On Your Situation & Get Personalized Guidance Within A Day!

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You Need a Breakup Coach’s Perspective On Your Situation, Because Things Have Gotten A Little Too…Complicated During Your Breakup.

…Do one (or more) of these sound like you?

  • you’ve consulted several friends on your situation and you’re reached a place where you simply don’t know what to feel/think/do anymore

  • you can’t tell if you’re seeing you situation accurately, like, if you’re blaming yourself or your ex too much, but either way you’re so unclear about how you’re seeing your situation

  • your breakup has taken a turn, maybe you’re talking to your ex again, but feel like your friends and family would be sooo upset to hear this. You need to just get a breakup coach’s thoughts on the matter and make a decision about things

  • you just can’t stop thinking about everything you’re thinking about, and need to get an expert opinion on it all so you can start living your life again

  • you feel like you’re stuck in between making a decision and need major perspective before moving forward

…then it might be time to consult a breakup expert

Watch this quick video on what you can expect in my In-Depth Breakup Analysis

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Get Your Breakup Analysis As Early As Today!

Step 1

Click “ORDER NOW” and take 60 seconds to fill out payment information

Step 2

Send me an email with a voice note or text of all the details you want me to analyze

Step 3

Receive a 10-20 minute voice note analysis from me to help you move forward ASAP

Here’s How My In-Depth Analysis Works:

Either by voice memo (preferred) or by email, send me your current breakup/relationship predicament you’re completely stuck on—and give me all the juicy details. You know, the stuff you wouldn’t necessarily feel comfortable sharing with friends or family in fear they’d totally judge you or tell you to just “get to the point already”so they can move on with their day. (Sigh—we’ve all been there.)

This is a chance for you to get a breakup coach’s honest, direct, clear and compassionate take on your * oh-so complicated * situation without scheduling an appointment or waiting forever to talk to a breakup expert.

NOTE: I’ve been in the relationship industry for over 8 years, so yes—I’ve pretty much seen it all. So don’t be shy! I’ve coached many men and women on very complicated, unique and layered situations. Feel free to submit any questions related to your last relationship, current relationship or whatever is on your mind in relation to dating and relationships.

Once submitted, I’ll reply with a lengthy 15-20 minute voice memo response within 24 hours (if you submit Monday-Thursday) or by Monday if you submit by Friday.


— FAQs —

What if I don’t have a specific question but more just want your full take on my situation, can I still order a Breakup Analysis?

Absolutely! Most people who’ve been purchasing this are sharing their situation and asking me to figure out what I’m picking up from it.

I feel like I’m a rambler and don’t necessarily make sense when I share my story. Is that okay?

YES! Breakups are complicated and it’s hard to know the exact words to use. You can also type your story and I’ll read it if that’s easier for you.

I bought a Breakup Analysis and want to order another to get your take on the “new developments” in my situation. Can I do that?

Yes, but I suggest waiting a few days between purchases just to let any insights shared to marinate.

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