Nancy Ruth Deen | Breakup Coach For Anxiously Attached Women

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Release Your Ex: FULL MOON RITUAL 2021 (Designed By a Breakup Coach)

This week we’ve got a full moon on deck and with that, what a perfect time to set intentions and release your ex…

(Okay, I know you’ve been trying to do that every day for a while now.)

They say the full moon is when your emotions are heightened, and you’ve got all that energy in your body that you don’t know what to do with.

I couldn’t agree more; before I started doing rituals and following the moon cycles, I’d be one day feeling strong emotions, only for the person I’m talking to to say, “well, it is a full moon after all,” and that would, in some way, make me feel better.

But it’s my belief that when you’ve got a heavy emotion on your heart, it’s time for a serious release.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • The difference between the full and new moon if you’re new to this

  • Pre-ritual preparation to get in the mood

  • The actual ritual (with ex-releasing + self-love journaling prompts!)

  • And what to do after you’ve done your ritual

difference between the full + new moon

Full Moon:

  • Time for Release + Letting Go: what are you holding onto (self-judgment, clinging to past relationship, worry + anxiety) that needs to be released in order for you to move forward?

  • Time for Evaluation + Reflection + Completion: consider what is working in your life, and what isn’t + why?

  • A time for Cleansing: Organizing your space, making space for the new things to come

New Moon:

  • Setting New Intentions: calling in what you want in this new chapter

  • Manifestation: calling in new love, new home, new place to live, new circumstances

  • Getting Clear on Goals: being specific about what you want and not being afraid of calling that in

So, to put these two phases into context, you might want to RELEASE your ex during a full moon, and call in a NEW relationship with the new moon.

READ: Manifest Love By Doing a New Moon Ritual + Meditation


Before you do any sacred ritual, make sure you tidy your space + energy clear. Not only does it feel good being in a clean environment, but your physical surroundings are a reflection of your mental state.

So if you want a clear mind, clear your space. We all know how accomplished and at peace we feel when we make our beds and relax in our clean space.

Use incense or cinnamon sticks to burn and smoke clear around your house if you’ve got them, but no worries if not. Do not use white sage or use the word “smudging” unless these are part of your lineage.

As an Aries (fire sign), I love my candles.

I light them every day while I do yoga to wind down, and they’re great to use during your full moon ritual.

For me, lighting a candle sends a subconscious message to my body, “it’s time to relax, unwind, be present and reflect.”

I’ve even made my own, charged them in the moonlight during a full moon, for extra magic.

But that’s a little extra, isn’t it? You don’t have to go that far. It’s all about intention over here.

The Ritual

Okay, so now that your space is clean and clear, you’ve set the mood, it’s time to grab your pen and journal and take a moment and breathe.

Be still with yourself.

Breathe in for 4 counts, breathe out for 4 (this is a balancing breathing practice that’s super gentle) for about 5-10 counts.

You’ll notice the room is quiet. You can feel your body a bit more.

You feel calm.

Bask in this moment. And set an intention for what you want to release this full moon.

And then when you’re ready, pick up your journal.

WATCH: 8-Minute Cord Cutting Meditation to Release Attachments to Your Ex

Answer these full moon questions:

  • Where have I been really hard on myself during my breakup?

  • What am I emotionally clinging to in order to give myself a sense of “safety?”

  • Where have I been making self-care a priority, where haven’t I?

  • What are the steps I’m taking that ARE working to help me move forward?

  • What do I need to do that I’m afraid of doing?

  • What do I need to be doing MORE of? Less of?

  • What has my higher self been trying to tell me that I’m ignoring?

  • Where am I refusing to forgive a) myself b) my ex

  • Where do I need more support during this time?

  • What have I learned about myself recently when it comes to relationships, dating, and healing?

After the ritual

Once you’ve closed your journal, say a quick “thank you” to yourself and the Universe.

What a beautiful way to just be with yourself and give thanks for another day.

At this point you can take a bath with epsom salts if you have them. Or you can shower.

When you put yourself in water, it’s a quick way to energetically cleanse yourself and let go of the day thus far and release what just came up.

You’ll find that you feel so much more relaxed and at peace after.

I hope you enjoyed this full moon ritual to release your ex.

If nothing else, it’s a beautiful way to honor your healing process and give yourself time and space to be with yourself.

Much love to you,

Nancy Ruth Deen, conscious breakup coach + certified breathwork teacher

If you’d like to go deeper with your self-care during your breakup, check out my 30-day self-care challenge.

If you’d like 1:1 support, learn more here.

Hey there, I’m Nancy! I’m a Conscious Breakup Coach dedicated to giving you conscious breakup advice during, well—one of the hardest times of your life. Let me know if this blog resonated for you by leaving a comment!