6 Signs You're Going Through a Spiritual Evolution During Your Breakup

Breakups are so much more than getting over your ex—they’re about going through a spiritual evolution that you’ve been craving (although you might not exactly see that right now).

Today, as a conscious breakup coach, I want to share with you the things that I’ve seen to be signs that you’re going through that evolution. I’ve been through this too, so I’m simply sharing my experience and some of the signs I’ve seen my clients go through!

1.You know deep down the breakup is FOR you

I know maybe in the VERY beginning, it felt like the breakup was happening TO you, but quickly—like eerily quickly—you tuned into the fact that this might be for you.

After all, you’ve always seen yourself as pretty intuitive.

Now you see that maybe a lot of things weren’t right in the relationship and that this is a time for you to get clear on what you DO need—and even where you’re going in life and love.

It’s feeling like a fresh start—a reset. And it feels kind of…good.

You’re feeling really called to live in the space of why this breakup is healthy, and better for you.

You’re letting yourself be present to your feelings, but not allowing them to take over (at least not all the time, anyway).

2.You have a deep desire to learn about spiritual things

Suddenly you’re really into authors like Gabby Bernstein, Oprah, and anything personal development. You watch tarot pick-a-card readings on YouTube and want to buy crystals and necklaces with moons on them. You’re now very curious about Abraham Hicks, even.

You’re into mystical stuff, and you’re not even 100% sure why. But you have become fascinated with the “unknown” and the Universe/God/Source.

You feel like it’s calling you.

3.You’re starting to see synchronicities in your life

Suddenly, now that you’re getting more and more curious about spirituality, you’re now meeting people who are spiritual—without even trying! It’s like they’re finding you.

Suddenly, you’re feeling like you’re going to the right places at the right times.

Your friend was just talking about something seemingly random, and 2 hours later you go do something and hear that same thing being talked about.

Such a coincidence. Or is it?

You’re feeling aware that there’s more to this life. That you’re being guided.

…and you thought you were just going to spend all your time wishing you had your ex back.

4. You’re transcending limiting beliefs

You’ve realized that your self-worth and self-love needs to be worked on—even though you didn’t necessarily see the breakup for that exact reason initially.

You’re now wanting to learn about faith over fear, and living your life with intentionality instead of the autopilot that it’s been on.

You want to know the limiting beliefs that have stopped you from being in a relationship that can stand the test of time and help you heal and move in your life and relationships with complete confidence.

5.You’re now obsessed with learning about your (and your ex’s) attachment style(s)

Along with getting out of autopilot, you had no clue about attachment styles until your breakup. Attachment styles are the hardwired ways we love (secure, anxious, avoidant) and they unconsciously govern how we move through our relationships.

You’re desiring to figure out exactly WHY you do what you do in your relationships, and make a healthy shift.

Or, at the very least, stop attracting people from woundedness (which is ALSO a new thing you’re discovering.)

6. You’re curious about how to manifest a healthy relationship

If you’re anything like me, then you want to use your breakup to call in the partner of your dreams and figure out all the ways you blocked yourself from that. (And if you’re really curious about that, see my manifesting course I created with the exact step-by-step process to do that.)

You’re realizing that love doesn’t just find you, but it’s an intentional process you can create yourself using the power of energy—which is the most liberating and powerful news you’ve heard in a while. You’ve gotten curious about other peoples’ YouTube testimonies on how they manifested their dream partner.

You definitely want to move in that direction once this whole breakup healing phase is done.

I hope this article provided some clarity on your path to healing. The spiritual evolution you’ll experience during this breakup will be something you look back on with so much gratitude and clarity. I know that was the case for me.

If you need any guidance or support on your spiritual path during your breakup, book me for a 75-minute deep dive session HERE.



If you need DAILY guidance and support, check out my 16-day series with healing messages and support from me—a conscious breakup coach!

Get the full details below <3

What’s next?

If you’re feeling called and need to talk through your relationship, Book a self-love session today.

Thank you so much for making time to care for yourself today. Let this article sink in and feel free to return to it whenever you need it. And join the conscious breakup collective if you haven’t already where I give conscious breakup advice & go live!


Hey there, I’m Nancy! I’m a Conscious Breakup Coach dedicated to giving you conscious breakup advice during, well—one of the hardest times of your life. Let me know if this blog resonated for you by leaving a comment!