How to Get Your Ex to Open Up and Have a Constructive Conversation With You

You and your ex decided to meet up—but how do you actually have a CONSTRUCTIVE conversation and not just end up in circles the way your conversations have been going?

I know, you’re dying to know.

Because at this point, it seems like anytime you speak, they just shut down or get critical or defensive and everything you say doesn’t get heard or validated.

If this sounds like your situation, then I’m SO happy you’re here, because in today’s podcast episode I’m sharing a 5-step formula I’ve learned to help your ex open up, drop their defensiveness and actually give you a chance to feel heard and seen.

It’s a formula I’ve learned from the Gottman Institute when I did their Level II training, and added elements I’ve taken from my mother whose a conflict resolution specialist, as well as from an amazing book called Nonviolent Communication.

My husband and I use these elements almost every single time we get into an argument and they work like a charm.

Make sure you grab a pen and paper (and coffee!) cause you’re going to want to write this all down.

If you need support during your breakup, Book a session with me here.

Hey there, I’m Nancy! I’m a Conscious Breakup Coach dedicated to giving you conscious breakup advice during, well—one of the hardest times of your life. Let me know if this blog resonated for you by leaving a comment!