Our breakups have the potential to be our greatest teachers. We can decide it’s either the worst thing to have ever happened, or a divine storm that allows us to find our way back to ourselves.



Where are you today?

Thinking of Breaking Up?

Let’s face it—you’ve been battling ending things for a while now. This is an important time to seek guidance to find out if ending your relationship is in alignment with you, or if it’s fear talking.

We Just Broke Up

The first days/weeks are some of the hardest, which is why getting that support you deserve should be a top priority. Join the Conscious Breakup Collective & connect with others who get what you’re going through.

I’m Ready to Uplevel After My Breakup

There’s more to a breakup than getting over your ex. Work with me 1:1 to discover & clear old relationship patterns, get into alignment with yourself and manifest your dream partner.



“I have never felt more heard or understood before working with Nancy and I've seen my fair share of counsellors and psychologists. She is so much more than a breakup coach and knows exactly what I need to hear every week to get through my breakup.”

— Mallory, age 33, Netherlands


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