+welcome to the course
+Lesson 1
+Lesson 2
+ guided meditation
welcome to the conscious way
Your Dream Partner Is Already On Their Way
Congratulations on enrolling in this Manifest Your Dream Partner course. Just by doing this, you’ve sent a powerful message to the Universe and yourself that you truly are ready to call in the person of your dreams.
Wherever you are, and whatever you’ve been through, trust that you were guided here for a very important reason. And that is to get into alignment with your destiny and the relationship that’s on its way to you.
Feel that excitement—that joy you’re feeling right now in this moment. It’s yours. It’s here. That relationship already exists, and all you have to do is continue to trust that.
Inside this course contains the practices, Universal lessons, honest stories, powerful exercises and optimal guidance that I have learned while manifesting my husband, Michael. We’ve been together for four years now and have the sweetest Basset Hound-mixed dog.
ce of manifesting and its unbelievable power in your love life. When you manifest, you let go of the whole trial-and-error, “just a number’s game” thinking. It’s time to get specific, set your standards very high, and attract—not chase.
And while it’s my mission to have you take in this experience fully and experience bliss and joy within this course, I also want you to know that a big part of manifesting that’s not always marketed is the part about getting super honest and vulnerable with yourself about your desires and your blocks.
If you thought you were going to just sit down and write out your tall, dark and handsome—Jason Momoa-esque—desires on a piece of paper, well honey, you’re in the wrong course.
Over these next 10 days together, we’re going deep, baby. Every exercise builds on the last and expands your mind for the next. If you stay committed to this course and follow through every single day, you’ll experience a rewiring of your mind and a shift in your energy, perspective and trust in the process. Above all else, you’ll experience a deep knowing they’re on their way and have what it takes to know that is your dream partner.