Episode 3: Is It Possible You’re Doing TOO Much During Your Breakup?

(yes..yes you might be)

July 11, 2020

And we are back with another audio episode.

Are you that person who is grabbing your breakup by the horns and diving deep into YouTube, articles, books; talking to friends, family, coworkers; and bingeing relationship podcasts—but none of this is really “working” for you. 

Working, as in not helping you to fully heal?

You think to yourself, “HOW is it that I’m doing so much yet none of this hard work is…working? 

Then this episode is for you. 

Today is a short reminder that in these seriously uncertain times we are living in (not to mention you who is going through a painful breakup), that it’s a call to really tune into the wisdom beyond just expert advice. 

The Video I mentioned about doing too much is on my Youtube channel here.

Hope you enjoy this conversation!

Love and Light,

Breakup Coach Nancy

If you’d like to book a private session with me to dive deep, please book me here.