Welcome to Cracked Open

The private coaching program designed to move you from seeing your breakup as just another embarrassing, failed experience in your life to seeing how you’re on a path of evolution and spirituality.


Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve always kind of (or really) felt intuitive, at least that’s what your friends think. You’re a good listener, putting others needs ahead of yourself..but lately you’re wanting to explore that more

  • You’re interested in personal development and feel like there’s more than just weeping during a breakup

  • You dabble a little (or a lot) in YouTube tarot pick-a-card readings, like (or totally love) going to psychic and mediums for guidance and support

  • You see signs and angel numbers, but might not exactly know what they mean. You just feel an energy when the clock strikes 11:11

  • You’re energized by deep talks, and drained by small talk

  • You’ve been thinking for a while that you want to invest in your own personal growth

  • You’re wanting to explore your relationship patterns and start becoming the woman you’ve been craving deep within

 You’re ready for Cracked Open.

X A Private, 14-week coaching program designed to help you evolve