Nancy Ruth Deen | Breakup Coach For Anxiously Attached Women

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Detach to Manifest Your Dream Partner EXPLAINED

Okay, so you’ve already written down all your wants and desires in a partner.

You’ve gotten excited, used meditation and the power of visualization.

And it’s like you’re doing all the right things to manifest your dream partner, but you’re not having ANY luck having them actually show up.

And you’ve heard in the manifesting community that to truly get what we want we need to “detach” from the outcome.

But how in the heck do you do that when you’re actively trying to call them into your life? You wonder on an hourly basis.

This is a question I get asked ALL THE TIME and precisely why I created my 10-day manifest your dream partner course.

But today I’m giving you the lowdown if this happens to be the very last step in your process.

Truthfully, if you can master the art of detachment in every area of your life, you’ll be so set.

And I’m incredibly passionate about sharing the art of detachment because it’s been my saving grace as someone who is impatient by nature and considers herself a super pro-active person.

But it’s what I’ve used to manifest my husband, my dream home, and even in my business. It’s what grounds me when I get discouraged, and lose hope.

And the magic of when I detach is that I watch what I want come into my reality so quickly.

Like when I detached from looking for my husband is when I met him 3 weeks later. Or when I detached from house hunting—I got the call 12 hours later that we got our incredible new home.

I know, it sounds like it’s so far from what you could experience—but you wouldn’t be reading this if it wasn’t possible for you.

So let me take you through what detachment really is because I want you to have the same exact results as me—the dream guy and all your life’s desires!

So what is detachment, really?

Detachment, to me, is letting go and allowing the Universe to bring you what is of the highest benefit to you when you do.

For example, you know when you’re in a relationship with someone where you somehow got yourself in a situation where you’re the only one making plans and texting them first? And you’re terrified that if you stop texting them then they’ll stop seeing you and the relationship will fall apart?

Well, suffice it to say that sometimes you have to let go of the wheel to see what is for your highest good.

Sometimes you actually have to detach both with your mind and actions to let what’s meant to come into your life.

That’s detachment. Not clinging to what you want so you can make room for what’s meant for you.

This is honestly an advanced area of manifesting but STICK WITH ME because I know what you’re thinking—”how can it happen if I stop trying??!!?!?!?”

Here’s the thing: most of us cling to the idea that if we keep pursuing what we want we’ll finally get it. It’s what we’ve been taught our entire lives.

But it’s actually the opposite in relationships—and in every area actually. Because sometimes we can be so focused on a particular outcome that we miss something even better that’s meant for us.

Can I just tell you about all the times I held onto the wrong relationships because I didn’t trust there was anything better for me out there?

I didn’t know that letting go was an option.

But let me tell you this: detaching requires a lot of faith—faith that the Universe is real and it’s orchestrating an amazing love life for you.

You might not know this—though I think if you’re reading this then you have an inkling (which is what guided you to read this in the first place)—but you’ve likely been trying to control your love life so much that you might be missing the beauty in the surprises that the Universe has planned for you.

Let me give you a possible cycle you might be going through right now. If not you, then 90% of my clients who do a manifesting session with me and take my manifesting course.

You read up on the law of attraction and how to manifest a partner. You get excited because you don’t have to just go on constant dates and that you can actually attract a partner by focusing on what you want and using the power of energy to make it happen. You do some of the recommended exercises and feel good...

…But then on that lonely night when you don’t have plans, you throw away what you learned from the manifesting principles like being patient and waiting for the Universe to bring your partner.

So then you slip into the old mindset of “I have to make it happen” so you open up your apps, swipe right on a few people. The convos are less than mediocre or you’re not being asked out.

And next thing you know, you’ve lost all hope.

Feeling back at square one: it’s never going to happen to me, your mind chimes.

This is the vicious cycle that can happen when you’re learning about manifesting—and I’m here to break it for you.

And so where detaching comes into place is remembering to do the manifesting exercises like visualization and meditations and then release the how or when you’ll get your dream partner.

And—very important here—let go of what your mind tries to tell you when you get down in the dumps when it’s not happening.

Something I go into great detail over in my 10-day manifesting course is getting really conscious of the truth that if they’re not showing up today—they’re currently—like right this moment—preparing their life to be aligned with yours.

YES! It’s not just you trying to get aligned with them.

So your job while you wait patiently is to resolve the fears in your mind about being alone forever and reframe that the fact that they’re not here yet—is because they’re working on getting ready for their dream girl—which is you.

And yes…you are absolutely, 100%, without a DOUBT—someone’s dream f&*%ing partner.

Take that in.

You might have just read that with a deep knowing that you are—or a deep realization that you’re terrified you might not be. In which case you’ll SO want to get details on my manifesting course because self-love is a huge component of this manifesting work.

And the more self-love you have for yourself, the more magnetic you become.

So continue to do the exercises you’re doing, and remember that the more you continue to detach from the mindset of “it won’t happen for me” the more things will seem to fall into place.

And if you’re feeling jazzed and amped and want to do the whole manifest course step-by-step, check it out below!




What’s next?

If you’re feeling called and need to talk through your relationship, Book a DEEP DIVE session today.

Thank you so much for making time to care for yourself today. Let this article sink in and feel free to return to it whenever you need it. And join the conscious breakup collective if you haven’t already where I give conscious breakup advice & go live!

Hey there, I’m Nancy! I’ve manifested my husband and I’m helping you do the same! Join me for my full 10-day course HERE.


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