Nancy Ruth Deen | Breakup Coach For Anxiously Attached Women

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Manifest Your Dream Partner Using Visualization in 2022

As someone who has used VARIOUS techniques to manifest her fiancé, I want to share this powerful technique to get you to feel and visualize your dream partner into your life.

I got so much amazing feedback and comments when I wrote this article back in Feb 2020 after picking out my engagement ring with my now-husband, and this year I vowed to share everything I know about manifestation with you guys. No holding back here.

(But if you want a step-by-step full blown program to help you call in your dream partner—check out my latest program here)

Today I’m so excited to share this visualization process with you because it did so much more for me than just help me manifest my fiancé. I share these insights at the end once I’m finished explaining the process to you so stick around until the end.

I also strongly suggest reading this article in it’s entirely before starting.

In this short but powerful article I’ll discuss:

  • what visualization is and why you should use it to manifest your dream partner

  • the critical step BEFORE visualizing

  • how to prep for the process

  • the actual process of visualization

  • the importance of feeling in visualization

  • how this process helped me rewire my view on what healthy means to me and how it helped me manifest my fiancé

What is visualization and why do it?

Believe it or not, when I say visualize your dream partner, you probably think I’m asking you to envision a good-looking person who resembles your celebrity (or Highschool) crush.

But that’s not what this technique is about.

Creative visualization is the process of tapping into your intuition and allowing yourself to bring to the surface the actual life you have with this person and feeling it with every fiber which energetically attracts your soulmate into your life.

At least, that’s my definition.

And that’s exactly what I did.

I visualized my fiancé into my life. And now he’s exactly three feet away from me as I write this article.

(This will be you too!)

How to prep for this technique (the critical step!)

The simple most important thing you need to do before you start this process is actually getting grounded and calm first.

You need to get your energy in check, because it’s your energy that will magnetize this person to you.

Chances are, your normal default setting is a frantic state, and that’s just how society has primed up to be. We use coffee to keep us awake, and we wake up feeling instantly behind on work. So much of this is happening on a bodily level, and we as a society are so disconnected and stuck in our heads that we don’t even realize that’s how we feel. We just think this is normal, but it’s certainly not natural.

But when you get grounded, which means you take a few deep breaths, relax your body, and from that space you begin to manifest using visualization, the process becomes natural and fun.

But you need to let yourself calm the mind, even when it tells you that you don’t want to feel this level of stillness.

Best of all, there’s this feeling of trust and certainty that comes when you let yourself relax.

But you need not skip this step.

By the way, I sound like a broken record but you shouldn’t ever be motivated to manifest from a place other than peace, calm, relaxation, or joy.

Anything else and you might lose faith in the process or attract someone who is too frantic to settle down with. At least that’s my experience.

Okay, let’s talk about how to actually get grounded.

How to get grounded before visualization

What you want to do is get into a really comfortable position either sitting down on the floor cross-legged, sitting on a chair with you feet planted on the ground, or lie down. Have your spine completely straight (yet comfortable) as that’s the channel to Universal energy.

Close your eyes and begin to deepen your breath, breathing in slowly through the nose, and slowly out through the nose or mouth. The rule of thumb is that if you want to get relaxed and grounded, breathing in and out of your nose provides that relaxation. But it’s up to you and what you prefer. Whatever gets you comfortable and relaxed.

Do a few rounds of slow breathing, letting your thoughts pass, and from there we do a simple Body Scan where you bring your awareness to the top of your head, and slowly make your way to your toes, bringing your attention to each body area or part on the way down and allowing yourself to relax any tension you come across.

This might seem totally foreign if you’re new Body Scans, but see if you can do this to the best of your ability. This technique really gets you relaxed and into your body—which means out of your busy mind! This entire process can take anywhere from 30-90 seconds. Longer or shorter if you like.

Once you’ve done the Body Scan, you’ll probably notice this feeling of “inner quiet” I call it. You suddenly realize how tense and pent up you were just living your life before this moment.

Let yourself feel into this relaxed state.

Begin visualizing

Okay, so now that you are nice and grounded, and feeling relaxed, this is where we begin to visualize.

This part looks different for everyone, so use what feels good for you, as opposed to trying to follow what I say and trying to get it “right.” This is a creative process and there literally is no such thing as “right”—only what feels good for you.

I want you to start imagining what it would be like hanging out with your new person.

Where are you?

What are you doing?

What’s around you?

What’s the setting?

What does it feel like?

Let the first thing come to you naturally. No mind or force required here. Let your intuition guide you as opposed to your thinking mind.

You might suddenly be aware you and your partner are taking this amazing beach vacation while laughing and playing in the water. Maybe you’re jumping on them and they’re swinging you around. Maybe you hear the birds in the sky or the oceans waves crashing.

Or you might simply visualize you waking up next to them in bed. The joy of feeling a sense of security and love from this person sleeping next to you with messy hair.

Let your soul guide you in this process.

Sit for as long as you want, feeling into this process. You might find you have a smile on your face. You might notice your heart light up. Your whole body tingle.

Witness these feelings of joy, love, tenderness, peace, and serenity.

It’s truly all about feeling versus thinking

In this creative process, it’s not about thinking your way to your partner, but feeling. Again, I’m a broken record over here. When I first was learning about the power of manifestation, I wasn’t that in touch with my body or even what it truly meant to feel into the process.

With time, it came naturally. I started to cultivate that mind-body connection.

How you feel matters way more than what you visualize.

Again, if you’re visualizing being at a 5-star resort with your new person, but then your mind chimes in and says “you don’t have the money for that!” Or, “no one rich would ever date you!” then you need to recognize that’s your mind trying to ruin your enjoyment of the process.

Let yourself run with whatever you are called to, and let yourself feel it all. Witness your fears or reservations without judgment, and return to the visuals that bring you peace and fulfillment.

How I rewired my mind using process (and I’m so glad I did)

This process is NOT based on what you’ve been giving in your relationships to date, but a creative exercise to rebuild what you know is waiting for you.

When I was doing this process before I met my fiancé, I used this as an opportunity to rewire my mind and expand my possibilities in love.

I didn’t have relationships with extravagant lifestyles or anything before my fiancé. Honestly, I hardly even dated people who wanted to spend the weekend with me. (It’s sad to think about, but so relatable to so many of us.)

I knew what I wanted more of, so in my vitalizations, I kept thinking about what I wanted and longed for, and could finally give myself through this technique.

I visualized waking up with my partner and having breakfast in bed.

I visualized my partner asking me to stay over, and sharing that they’ve got a surprise for me on the weekend.

I visualized to my heart’s content for everything I just never got, but so desperately wanted with my soulmate.

This simple process helped me to stop settling for less than I deserved and desired.

It helped me weed out the people who didn’t want those things.

It helps me recreate what a healthy relationships looks like for me.

And this is what I want for you and know IS coming for you.

Please have faith that you were guided to this article for a reason, and that you’re ready to start visualizing your dream partner to you.

Here’s a meditation I made to help you visualize and relax into this incredible fun and powerful process.

Don’t forget to return to this article and comment how it supported you.

Ready to take your manifesting to the next level? Join The Conscious Way, a 10-Day Step by Step All in One program to help you call in your dream partner.